Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My name Is Mike but you can call me Slim!

Hi I'm Michael Finley but I am often times called "Slim." I'm a swimmer, musician, dancer and a well rounded student. I'm adventurous so sitting around and doing nothing is never an option. I know a little Spanish so you can quiz me. I am a senior at Kenwood Academy , Go Crazy!! KAHS over all. I want to attend and  HBCU because I want to be on the best or drum lines and marching bands, but after searching and talking to different colleges I'm considering many different options. I have long term goals set for my life, I would like to become a video games designer and create eco-friendly sports cars. Over all I want to be a computer engineer, the money pays well and I'm into programming. The Health Science Explorers actually taught me a lot about GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms), CO2 and how they effect the environment. All from what I have learned in this program has opened my eyes to what the future behold.

I'm a laid back person I also am very capable of adapting to any situation. My saying is "Linger not over the past because the future holds great things" which means live your life to the fullest extent. I'm an understanding person and many of my friends turn to me because I am very helpful. My friends are never bored after school, we came up with our own language which no one understands making it hilarious, titled Schmuckadawg lol (that's a mouthful huh!) I'm always dancing out the blue and doing back flips in the hallways. Come join me and the Health Science Explorers and lets experience different and many interesting things like brain teasers journaling. Most of all meet me! Are you ready for the experience? Stay up with me on the blog I talking about many funny things also giving a lot facts and important information

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