Thursday, July 31, 2014

Dear Love (original poem)

By Kyra M.

Oh Dear love,
You once were sent from above,
the center of my life.
I once wanted to be your wife,
but the things you say and do cut like a knife.
Never ever would I imagine this would be so hard,
instead of in person that's why I have left this card.

Dear love,
the center of my life.
You belittle me and control the way I think.
And sometimes your attitude really stinks.
My therapist says your making me go downhill.
She says I should express the way I feel.
But I know you don't want to hear it,
You would say I'm throwing a fit.

Dear love,
the receiver of this card.
Emotionally I'm drained.
Mentally I'm strained.
And you really don't care.
When you yell at me people stare.
I'm sick.
You make me sick.

Dear love,
Who once was from above.
You have changed for the worst.
Every and anything I say makes you burst,
with anger.
I feel like I don't know you, you're like a stranger.
It feels like you're yards away,
although you're by me each and everyday.
I don't want to do this anymore.
That final blow really hit me in the core.
Don't act like you don't remember,
that cold night in November.
One, two, three,
Yeah you hit me,
Four, Five, Six,
Each one felt like a brick.
Seven, eight, nine,
I cried but to you all I did is whine.
I know it's now May,
And you were so convinced I would stay.
But that night is all I think about each and everyday.
Yeah I know that wasn't the only time,
But that one night plays constantly on rewind.
You scare me.
That's why I hope you can see,
That we can not be.
Don't call me, don't try to change my mind.
Don't worry about me, I will be fine.
Just know love,
I don't hate you.
And I hope you don't hate me too.
I remember the good things we used to do.
But I don't want to be with you.

Dear Steve,
I had to leave.

This poem is a persona poem about a woman in an abusive relationship. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, whether it is physical, emotional or mental; please click here.

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