Saturday, August 9, 2014

Don't Smoke One

by Jalen Y.

Many people say that marijuana is the best thing they've ever had, but is it really? Many people smoke marijuana because it can enhance certain abilities in their bodies. The drug can enhance certain abilities in the body and can give you energy to do things but that doesn't take away from the bad things it can do to your body. People that smoke marijuana tend to inhale deeply and hold their breaths which exposes the lungs to more carcinogens that may lead to cancer. Within a few minutes after inhaling marijuana smoke, a person's heart rate speeds up, the bronchial passages relax and become enlarged, and blood vessels in the eyes expand, making their eyes look red. The heart rate, which is normally 70 to 80 beats per minute, may increase by 20 to 50 beats per minute, or may even double in some cases.  Long term use of the drug can lead to addiction, increased risk of bronchitis, anxiety, and depression. Why would you take a drug that can potencially ruin your health just so u can have fun? This drug controls your body and turns you into a puppet. Do u really want something controling your every move?  


There are many ways to get help for marijuana abuse. The best place you should go for drug abuse is a rehab. Rehab will walk you through the steps that are needed to beat the addiction. Some of the long term effects of marijuana are reduced resistance to common illnesses, suppression of the immune system, growth disorders, increase of abnormally structured cells in the body, reduction of male sex hormones,
rapid destruction of lung fibers and injuries to the brain could be permanent and reduced sexual capacity. Rehab can help with these problems. Go to your local hospital for more information.

                                                     Video: How Marijuana affects the body

Was it fast FOOD, or was it fast DEATH? hmm...

by Gonzalo Higuero

Picture from
Food Mirage, food deserts have been on the horizon, creating health issues like a mirage.  They all look so tasty and good yum, yum!  Under closer examination, they're dumb, dumb, dumb! Available nutritious food  has been  fading in the U.S but, the concerns are new, and real.  Health issues arising from eating The Big Mac, more like a big slap, or  The Whopper, like a whopper of a lie. These products, not food, are on every corner, and in every mall, leaving in it's wake a trail of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and strokes.  These are a few from a continually growing list of diseases that root back to poor diet, and mainly fast food. According to Weight-control Information Network (WIN) more than 33% of the USA's adolescent population is considered obese. That number has stabilized thanks to several people like First Lady, Michelle Obama.

Picture from
Where in the world is the FDA? Fast food chains are partly to blame, parents, you and the FDA are just as well. Their food is stuffed with some of the worst chemicals and additives that not only are unhealthy but they are also addicting, and mommie and daddy keep taking all the little tikes to the slaughter. If the FDA knows, why don't they stop it, I call it tummy crack. The scientists in the fast food chains are trying to target the reward center of the brain by making their products melt in your mouth, salty and sweet. Those are three factors of a food that makes them addictive. If that last comment made your mouth water, here is where it actually gets juicy. MCDONALDS MEAT IS NOT REAL MEAT! What do I mean? Here you are (see left). The pink slime called lean finely textured beef (LFTB) is used as a filler for real meat. According to Wikiipedia, it consists of low grade meats and their byproducts. The effects on the body are almost instant. Huffington post states that Arteries are damaged almost immediately after consumption of the food. The arteries are contracted so less blood pumps through he body. That means that bodily functions are not done well and less oxygen flows through the body. This process could reduce your life span by 1.36%, and  completely ruin your quality of life.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Asthma, Eczema, and Chronic Rhinitis can be caused by fast food. Asthma is a disease where airways are inflamed which makes it hard to breath. Eczema is the inflammation of skin that creates rashes. Lastly, Rhinitis is a stuffy nose full of snot. This can effect daily activities like sports. ENOUGH!

Looks like Fast death would be the proper term for the unhealthy food stuffed into the mouth of our nation's children.

Huffington Post
Harvard Health

Videogame World (original poem)

by Jalen Y.

Do they affect your mind? 
Can videogames hurt you?
Can they mess up your brain?
Are they all full of pain?
No so why do they complain.
Do they complain cause videogames give kids power?
Or cause it gives kids something to do for a hour.
The government thinks video games cause violence.
Well government what videogame caused WW1 and 2?
People have been violent for 1,000s of years don't blame it on videogames.
They are some of the healthiest things for kids.
They build kids imaginations,
By letting them rule a nation.
Letting them live their dream as a NBA star,
and drive a nice fancy car.
So why does the government want videogames gone,

Friday, August 8, 2014

Afro Power!

by Jayla J.

          Do you feel as if your hair is healthy? Does it lack moisture? Does it constantly shed? If you don’t know the answers to any of these questions I can help you! Keep reading!
" Naturally Curly Hair "
Natural Hair is hair that is not drowned in harsh chemical products that can cause dryness, brittleness, and breakage. This goes for any ethnicity but the most common is African American hair.  Many people don’t favor their natural hair because of society, they may have  their own personal hair preference, or they feel as if their hair is too short and wont grow. Most of the time women have an decent amount of hair but it is damaged so they decide to cut it. In the natural world we call this a "Big Chop", after this occurs the hardest part would be getting used to your short hair and learning how to maintain your hair without the harsh chemicals used before. This is called the transitioning stage and most people decide to go back to their old habits at this point because it is very strenuous. I feel as if they should persevere through it because they will like the outcome of their hair in the end.

 " Kurly Kichana picture " 

It is very hard finding products that work for your own natural hair type. But since having natural hair is more common now its easy to find people who are going through the same hair problems as you whether its in a video, blog, etc. There are many types of hairstyles for natural hair so don't get frustrated when you want to switch it up from twist outs, braid outs, or puffs.  But when you feel as if your hair needs a break from these styles there are also many "protective styles"  that help your hair grow. Any Ethnicity can have Natural hair and use the same products because really they are used to help define curl patterns and moisturize the hair. But really water is one of the most important ingredients when dealing with natural hair because it helps lock in moisture. When water is not used hair does not have a lot of elasticity and is prone to breakage and I'm pretty sure no one wants this. What you put on your hair does not just affect it, also what you put into your body can affect its health. By this I mean food, vitamins, etc.

How do the foods we eat affect our own health and the health of our hair ?

Ever heard of the saying ," You are what you eat?" Well this applies in this situation because the more greasy unhealthy foods you eat the more your body will feel the aftermath of your choices. The more nutrient rich foods you eat you will see how good and energized your body feels. Here are some Nutrients that promote healthy hair growth...

  1. Protein - a building block of hair, helps provide strength for the hair shaft which can prevent damage.
  2. Vitamins - helps with the oils in your hair and keeps it from getting dry and brittle.
  3. Water - makes up for most of the weight of a strand of hair and its helps lock in moisture keeping hair silky and shiny.
  4. Essential Fats - are oils that your body doesn't produce but need for your hair to flourish.
This is a link for the Top 10 foods for healthy hair but I have chosen a couple to get you started. 
  1. Salmon - provides the natural oils that help keep your scalp and hair oiled. 
  2. Sweet Potatoes - provides vitamin A and helps produce and protect the oils for your scalp.
  3. Eggs - contains a lot of protein and helps keep your hair shiny.
  4. Greek Yogurt - moisturizes and detangles hair.

 "13 nutrients that promote natural hair "

" Top 10 Foods for Healthy Hair "

 " Kurly Kichana picture "         

" Ariel Picture "

" Naturally Curly Hair "

The Nature of Human Melanin

by Devonte M.

What exactly is melanin in world civilization? Melanin is considered to be the skin color of any human being. On, melanin is defined as a substance that determines skin pigment. Human melanin can be broken down into many subtypes. Two notable subtypes are neuromelanin and pheomelanin. Neuromelanin is a substance that is found in the brain, whereas pheomelanin is found in mainly red hair.  Not only is melanin found in our skin, but melanin is found in human hair. There are people who have more melanin than others. According to Medline Plus, if the body produces more melanin, then the skin gets darker. Additionally, if less melanin is made, then the skin gets lighter. In other words, darker-skinned people have higher melanin levels; whereas, lighter-skinned people have less melanin levels. Furthermore, Medline Plus stated that “the light absorbent melanin prevents the DNA from getting UV radiation.” It has be

It has been researched by the University of Maryland Medical Center that Tyrosine, which is an amino acid, helps create melanin. Our bodies need certain amounts of tyrosine to maintain healthy skin. If we lack the amount of tyrosine that we need, then we will develop higher risks of contracting skin diseases.  Also, we will become more likely to contract skin diseases if cells become damaged. When cells become damaged, the amount of melanin made gets impacted.  There are many ways ways to maintain healthy melanin and prevent it from being damaged. 

       According to the American Skin Association, one way to maintain healthy skin is by "eating a well-balanced diet helps insure that your body gets all the vitamins it needs to maintain healthy skin." There are nutrients that allow people to maintain skin health, including water. Water is also important for skin health because water hydrates the skin. According to WebMD, "water helps keep skin looking good." The skin needs water to prevent the body from losing excess fluids and developing wrinkles. If one develops wrinkles, one can remedy them by properly hydrating oneself. 
Another way to maintain skin health is by eating Vitamin A foods. These foods help keeps the skin smooth and moisturized. According to, it is the "best overall age-fighter." Vitamin A has been proven by dermatologists to eliminate roughness and reduce wrinkles. Vitamin A can be found in lotions and creams. These are effective remedies for dry and wrinkled skin. According to WebMD Vitamin A can be found in fruits and vegetables. They contain antioxidants, which are molecules that protect us against free radicals. Furthermore, you can use Vitamin C to prevent your skin against ultraviolet damage. 

The third and final way to maintain skin health is by incorporating Vitamin C into your diet. According to, Vitamin C is an "all-around anti-ager." Vitamin C is found in food as well as moisturizers. According to www,, good sources include bell peppers, broccoli, cantaloupes, mangoes, oranges, pineapples, snow peas, strawberries, 
tomatoes, and watermelons. They protect against free-radicals as well. Vitamin C is a nutrient that keeps the skin from sagging and aging.

Image courtesy of Weight Watchers
              The fourth and final way to maintain healthy skin is by manually ingesting tyrosine. According to WebMD, tyrosine can also be found in dairy products, meats, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, oats, and wheat." Also, tyrosine can be used to reduce wrinkles on the skin. Furthermore, on,  the text states that tyrosine supports the production of melanin. Therefore, it can provide against sun damage. 
             All four ways to maintain skin health are very preventative because they help your skin stay smooth,  stay hydrated, and look young. Eating healthy foods, applying certain creams, and drinking water helps the skin stay shiny as well. Our skin serves as a barrier because it prevents us from being infected with germs and damaging toxins. The skin is a natural sunscreen because it prevents us from being overexposed to the Sun. If we become overexposed, then we'll develop sunburns and possibly skin cancer. We must practice all the preventative measures mentioned above to live a comfortable and healthy life. 

American Skin Association (2012). General Format. Retrieved from
Rodale Inc. (2014). General Format. Retrieved from
WebMD, LLC (2005-2014). General Format. Retrieved from
                University of Maryland Medical Center (2014). General Format. Retrieved from
                U.S. National Library of Medicine (2014, July 29). General Format. Retrieved from
               Demand Media Inc. (2014). General Format. Retrieved from
                         WebMD, LLC (2005-2014). General Format. Retrieved from

Panic or Calm (original poem)

by Ahja H.

The feeling of chills
That make me wonder.
I know I'm not cold but what is it?
Why do I skip a beat?
Should I calm or freak out?
I need to calm but how?
What if I'm having a heart attack?
The room is spending
I am panicking
I need to relax.
Just let it happen,
It is slowing down
I am fine
It was just a panic attack
I will be fine.

To learn more about panic attacks go visit:

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Panic

by Ahja H.

            Have you or a person you know ever had the feeling of going out-of-control or a fear of dying out the blue? Well, that is a symptom of a panic attack. A panic attack is "a sudden surge of overwhelming anxiety and fear" (Panic Attacks Panic Disorder par.1.) During a panic attack, a person can feel their heart rate increase, lack of breath, feeling unable to escape, and a feeling of dying or going crazy. Usually, when a panic attack occurs one assumes it is a heart attack because they feel similar to one another. Nevertheless, panic attacks are controlled by the brain and heart attacks are controlled by the blood vessels. A panic attack can last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour or even longer. However no one really knows when an attack will happen.

Panic attack are caused by low blood sugar, medication withdrawal, overly worried about life situations, and it can run in the family. Usually, panic attacks are a side effect of a panic disorder, social phobia, or depression. Social phobia is "intense fear of becoming extremely anxious and possibly humiliated in social situation," (Social Anxiety Phobia Symptom par.1). Basically, a person who have this is scared of embarrassing themselves in front of people. Nevertheless, there are symptoms too. The symptoms are shortness of breath, racing heart, chest pain, choking feeling, feeling uncomfortable to surrounding, sweating, upset stomach, feeling dizzy/light-head/faint, numbness sensation, hot/cold flashes, and fear of dying/crazy/out of control.

            There is no cure for panic attacks, the person has to manage their mental state. The person is the cure.  As it was spoken in the first paragraph, panic attacks are controlled in the brain, which means the person can control it but not panicking and relaxing their body and calming down. There are also other options of therapy and medicines that can be taken to help cope with panic attacks.

         Clearly, panic attacks are a scary thing that can happen to anybody. Therefore, the only thing to do is to learn how to control your body and actions in order to prevent another panic attack.

To learn more about controlling panic attacks visit:

Work Cited

“Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder.” February 2014. Help Guide. Web. 20 July 2014.
“Panic disorder.” 09 July 2014. Medlineplus.Web. 20 July 2014.