Saturday, August 9, 2014

Was it fast FOOD, or was it fast DEATH? hmm...

by Gonzalo Higuero

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Food Mirage, food deserts have been on the horizon, creating health issues like a mirage.  They all look so tasty and good yum, yum!  Under closer examination, they're dumb, dumb, dumb! Available nutritious food  has been  fading in the U.S but, the concerns are new, and real.  Health issues arising from eating The Big Mac, more like a big slap, or  The Whopper, like a whopper of a lie. These products, not food, are on every corner, and in every mall, leaving in it's wake a trail of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and strokes.  These are a few from a continually growing list of diseases that root back to poor diet, and mainly fast food. According to Weight-control Information Network (WIN) more than 33% of the USA's adolescent population is considered obese. That number has stabilized thanks to several people like First Lady, Michelle Obama.

Picture from
Where in the world is the FDA? Fast food chains are partly to blame, parents, you and the FDA are just as well. Their food is stuffed with some of the worst chemicals and additives that not only are unhealthy but they are also addicting, and mommie and daddy keep taking all the little tikes to the slaughter. If the FDA knows, why don't they stop it, I call it tummy crack. The scientists in the fast food chains are trying to target the reward center of the brain by making their products melt in your mouth, salty and sweet. Those are three factors of a food that makes them addictive. If that last comment made your mouth water, here is where it actually gets juicy. MCDONALDS MEAT IS NOT REAL MEAT! What do I mean? Here you are (see left). The pink slime called lean finely textured beef (LFTB) is used as a filler for real meat. According to Wikiipedia, it consists of low grade meats and their byproducts. The effects on the body are almost instant. Huffington post states that Arteries are damaged almost immediately after consumption of the food. The arteries are contracted so less blood pumps through he body. That means that bodily functions are not done well and less oxygen flows through the body. This process could reduce your life span by 1.36%, and  completely ruin your quality of life.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Asthma, Eczema, and Chronic Rhinitis can be caused by fast food. Asthma is a disease where airways are inflamed which makes it hard to breath. Eczema is the inflammation of skin that creates rashes. Lastly, Rhinitis is a stuffy nose full of snot. This can effect daily activities like sports. ENOUGH!

Looks like Fast death would be the proper term for the unhealthy food stuffed into the mouth of our nation's children.

Huffington Post
Harvard Health

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