Saturday, November 29, 2014

"Sipping Lean"

          What do people even mean when they say they're "leaning." The official drug name for "lean" is actually promethazine. Most people know what promethazine is, but others don't. Promethazine is a drug, but it isn't a drug that you can just buy in Walgreens somewhere because it has to be prescribed from a doctor to a patient who is actually in need of the prescription. Promethazine is used to treat colds when people are sick and relieving certain allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny noses, itchy or watery eyes, and even skin rashes. Teens in this generation tend to attract to lean and drink it for pleasure. I interviewed a teen about his experience with lean, whose name will remain unknown, to learn more about why he drinks it. I'm not the type to tell people what they should and should not do because that doesn't help a person decide a correct route. However, promethazine is not the correct route to take unless it is prescribed, especially when you're taking too much at once.

Why Do Teens Use Lean?

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Lean is no longer just a drug, it is now a culture. When people use lean, they tend to mix the promethazine into sprite and jolly ranchers. People have been drinking lean for the fun of it for a long time. Rapper, Lil Wayne, use to quote in his songs certain things about it,  making people more aware of how lean was being used. Although people were aware of it, it wasn't that popular within the teen community. It seems as though drinking lean for the fun of it just came out of nowhere for my generation. Some teens abuse promethazine because they enjoy it and they like how it makes them feel on the inside or even just because of the taste. I interviewed a young teen about his use of lean and he said "I put it in pop with some ice and I drink it because I like it. One day I was with my bros and they was pouring up and I'm like 'Dang bro what is that?' and they like 'Some act' and I'm like 'Well let me get a cup.' So I drank it and I got addicted after that." 

Side Effects Of Lean

The teen said he was not aware of the side effects of lean nor does he care about them. Even though that may sound horrible, it's true. There are many teens in the world that are not aware of the side effects and sometimes they don't even care. According to a website called Drugs, there are many side effects of promethazine. However, it is known that nervous system side effects have been more frequent than other side effects. The nervous system side effects are listed below:
  • excessive sedation
  • drowsiness 
  • fatigue
  • paradoxical excitation 
  • confusion
  • disorientation 
  • tremors
  • convulsive seizures
  • decreased motor coordination
Lean is very popular, although the facts behind it aren't entirely known. A person can't tell the next person not to do lean, but that person can be told that lean might not be the best route. Yeah it makes these teens feel good or relaxed, but there can also be consequences to drinking lean as well. For instance, Lil'Wayne and Rick Ross have abused lean and now have seizures do their drinking of lean. In addition, it even caused the eventual death of Pimp C which teens in my generation might don't even know about. Lean is not just pleasure, it can sometimes lead to pain. Learn more about lean!


Fighting is the Pits

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The American-Pit Bull Terrier is the most misunderstood breed of dog. They are feared by many who know the tarnished reputation that they carry. Pit Bulls were bred in the 1800's by breeding together Bulldogs and Terriers to achieve a breed with certain desired traits such as strength and courage. Pit Bulls are members of the "Bully" breed. Bully breeds are a group of dogs that are part of the Bulldog bloodline. 

The purpose of the Pit Bull Terrier was to help with herding livestock and hunting. Besides for those uses, people began using the breed for sporting. These sports were "Bull baiting" and "Rat baiting." Bull baiting consisted of letting the dogs attack bulls in hopes of restraining the bull to help with the slaughtering process. This sport was considered "inhumane" and became illegal in 1835. Then people starting using the dogs for "Rat baiting." This sport was similar to bull baiting except a Pit bull was placed in a pit full of rats, while the gamblers placed bets on how long it would take the dog to kill all of the rats. This sport was popular until the beginning of the 20th century where then it became illegal. Eventually, this is where the "dog fighting" sport came into play. The dogs were placed in a pit (hence the name "Pit" Bull.) to fight against each other. 

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One of the most common believed myths about Pit Bulls are, "They are mean, and love to attack people." Fortunately, this is NOT the case at all. Pit Bulls are driven by a strong determination to make their owners happy and are willing to do anything to achieve their owner's happiness. There are many other myths that surround the name of this breed, but it is very important that before you believe the bull or discriminate, you need to educate yourself. Another common misconceived myth about these dogs is that, "They have the highest attack rate than any other dog, and the highest PSI bite force recorded among other dangerous breeds." Again, these are myths...and are not true. A lot of these statistics recorded are missing a numerous amount of accurate information and tend to sometimes be exaggerated. And as far as the PSI recorded for a Pit Bull, they have the lowest recorded bite force compared to the German Shepherd and Rottweiler scoring at 235 lbs.

This breed is very popular among headlines that are seen in today's news; a lot of them having a negative impact on the opinion of others. As a result, this makes the adoption of a Pit Bull more difficult. "  Thirty-five percent of shelters take in at least one pit bull a day, and in one out of four shelters, pits and pit mixes make up more than 20 percent of the shelter dog population." According to the ASPCA ( Although this dog has a bad name, there are also amazing stories of how this breed have the power to save or change lives. By helping to challenge the negative opinions that many people have and shine light on the many positives that come from owning this particular breed, more people may want to adopt a Pit Bull. Any breed of dog has the potential to attack or kill without being a Pit-bull.  So before you decide to "shun" these creatures and succumb to the negative viewpoints of others, take time out of your day to visit a shelter and meet a Pit Bull, you might actually be surprised in what you find!


Friday, November 28, 2014


Reasons why I choose Breast Cancer is because my aunt has it and was fighting it i'm not sure how long but she fought it off to the end and never gave up on us nor herself, she was never negative about of what was going on with chemo, medicines she took, we all supported her 100% and I hope it doesn't come back, so I wanted to know how and what caused that too happen.

Facts of preventing it is;
1. Tobacco use is the cause of 22% of cancer deaths
2.Another 10% is due to obesity or a poor diet,
3. Lack of physical activity.
4. Drinking alcohol. 
20% of cancers are usually due to infections such as hepatitis B, Nor hepatitis C. 
You can prevent this from happening by not smoking, and eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Also stay fit and healthy. 
In 2012, about 165,000 children less than 15 we're diagnosed with cancer. The risk of cancer increases significantly with age and many cancers occur more commonly in developed countries.
Males are usually diagnosed with lung cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, 
also stomach cancer. Females mostly get diagnosed with breast cancer, colorectal, lung cancer and cervical cancer. 
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Breast cancer staging, is based on the size of the tumor, whether or not the tumor has spread to the size to the lymph nodes, in the armpits, depends if the tumor has metastasized.
Managing cancer;
Usually treated with surgery which may be followed by chemotherapy or radition therapy or even both depends.
Breast Cancer staging systems we're developed in the  1920s - 1930s.
The surgery involves the physical removal of the tumor typically along with some of the surrounding tissue.

The removal of the breast have different meanings like;
-Mastectomy, also means the removal of the whole breast.
-Quadrantectomy, is a removal of one quarter of the breast.
-lumpectory, removal of the small part of the breast.

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Drugs used after and in addition to begin surgery are called adjuvant therapy.
There are three main groups of medication used for adjuvant breast cancer treatment.
-Normone, blocking agents
-Chemotherapy-Chemo  is used for cases of breast cancer in stages 2-4,usually for periods of 3-6 months.
-Monoclonal antibodies

This sums up to how and what causes the cancer, and how the removal of the breast takes and all the medication, and chemo appointments you have to make, and changes your life completely and how much tears and fighting you have to go through and some lose there life's by cancer and some live through it everyday, like nothing's wrong, hiding the pain, make others happy when there not. Also how many young teens get diagnosed with cancer by not taking care of themselves or it just runs in there family. This is nothing to mess around with or joke about.


Saturday, November 15, 2014


Hey my name Is Jermalia. I'm a student attending Dunbar Vocational Career Academy. I enjoy dancing and watching others dance. If you know me you know everybody call me 'Malia." At school I'm in the Culinary Program, even though I'm not very interested in doing this activity, but it's always good to try something new. I love majorettes at my school because it makes me happy when I dance. My favorite movies are all of the Friday's And Rush Hour movies. I love everything that's peach and I'm big fan of Beyonce' and Rick Ross. I really don't like telling people that I want to be a Homicide Detective. I don't like attending parties unless it's with my family. I like to learn new things as I grow up and enjoy watching my nieces and nephews. I'm the baby of my mother's 5 beautiful children and I'm the fifth oldest of my daddy's 9 beautiful children. I'm a very goofy person and I do not allow anyone to bring my spirit down. My friends and family say that I'm crazy and irritating but hey that's just me. I love being on Twitter its just my life. I just hope I become someone special so my granny could smile at me from heaven. I like participating In the health science program with ASM (After School Matter ) Because Its very fun and interesting . I think it could help me through out life and my career.