Hi my name is Gabe Pujol AKA SE llama Papi Chulo. I like clothes, basketball, food, and
science. A reason why I’m at this program is so I could do something productive
with my time. Not only am I doing this program I am also playing basketball for Lake View High School. Another reason why I am enrolled in this program is because I've always liked science since a really young age. I've been in this program before and I feel like I could get more out of the second run then I did the first. I hope to learn more about science and make better friendships then the ones I make at school. Sometimes I make friends with kids that are not as in engaged in school then I am. I myself like something that will improve my knowledge in life and make me a stronger student. I first heard about this program from my mother who initially said I should be in this program. If I were not in this program I don't know what I would be doing with my time.

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